Ampermetre si voltmetre analogice pentru montaj pe panou pentru CA, tip spLA; spLV

For measuring AC current or voltage
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producator: Ganz

Technical data:

Movement: moving-iron, with spring-type oil filled bearing, vibration-free oil damping.

Instrument case: steel plate

Scale length: 46mm(72sp); 62 mm(96sp), 103 mm(144sp).

Permanent overloading: 1.2 -fold current resp. voltage.

Class of accuracy: 1.5

Frequency range: 15 … 50 … 100 Hz.

Weght: approx. 0.2kg(72sp); 0.35kg(96sp), 0.8kg(144sp).

Fixing elements: two spring-type fastening clips (DIN 43 835 "A"). with two screw-type fastening clips (DIN 43835 "B")/144sp.